Friday, September 9, 2011

Raw Food Creamy Tomato Bazil Soup Injera (Vegan, Raw)

 Raw food dishes are best adjusted to your desires in the moment, or what you have on hand. Serve it room temp for the best flavor.

Raw Creamy Tomato Bazil Soup

Tomatoes (2-4 or whatever)
Young Thai Coconut
Raw Olive Oil (See below)

Use the meat and the juice of the young Thai coconut. Mixed with crushed tomatoes.( I use 2-4.) Add some fresh crushed garlic and bazil shredded.  Let sit for a few hours for best flavor. Add a little Olive oil on top with basil as a garnish. has wonderful olive oils. I usually get one bottle every two years, and I enjoy every drop. The "Olive Oil is organic, raw, unfiltered, unheated, and UNPRESSED"

Whole Foods carries Young Thai Coconuts as do some co-ops and Asian markets.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Where do yoy buy your food?

            A rather common question after "What do you eat?" is "Where do you buy your food?"

We rely on Whole Foods, Farmer’s market and the local co-op for the day-to- day staples. We also belong to Boston Organics for our veggie delivery:

But for the specialty items, I have been ordering from the below places online for more than 5 years. However, I only order once every 18 months or so because of the cost and shipping charges, but is worth it.

I have ordered dates, which are the freshest I had in the US. The raw un-pressed olive oil is amazing, but too costly and a waste to cook with. The raw vanilla powder is worth every penny and keeps. The olives are yummy, but when my order gets too expensive, it is the first thing out of the cart.  I would rather get the almond or the cashews instead.

Seaweed crunchies are the best! They have tested for radiation and the results on are their website.

I like their B-12 patches and the “at cost sales” are a great chance to stock up when something that I normally use goes on sale.

Where do you by your food?